Cookie notice

When you visit our website, we will place one or more cookies on your device to collect information from your computer or mobile device. This information may contain personal data. In this cookie policy we will tell you what cookies we will use and what their functions are.   When you visit our website we will regard this as your specific request to provide you with the full functionality of the site, including but not limited with the ability to buy an item in our webstore.

The responsibility for this cookie policy lies with Cookies are small (temporary) text files we transfer to your device. Cookies may be used for many different purposes. 

Functional cookies – these cookies ensure that you can use the basic functionality of the website: they remember your selection and the choices you make to improve your experience on our website. They help make the shopping cart and checkout process possible as well as assist in security issues and conforming to regulations. 

Analytical cookies – these cookies can be used to allow us to further develop and improve the functionality of our website by tracking usage. In some cases they improve the speed with which we can process your request, allow us to remember site preferences you have selected. 

These cookies channel back data to our data analytics tools. If you visit one of our websites, we can determine from which marketing channel you originated (e.g., Google AdWords, e-mail newsletter), what pages you viewed, which items you have added to your cart and which ones you bought. 

Social media and advertising cookies – offer the possibility to connect you to social networks and share content from our website on social media. Information that we obtain from advertising cookies is used to maintain your personal advertising profile.  

We may also use the data for retargeting by showing you a targeted advertisement on a third-party website that is linked to an event on our website, for example a specific purchase that was abandoned.

In addition, Facebook, Google and other online actors can independently register your use of our advertisements. Please read the privacy policies of such third parties as we are not responsible for the personal data they process for their own purposes.

How Can I Make a Choice about Cookies and My Privacy?

On our website you can set your preferences regarding cookies. You can do this by clicking the “settings” link in the cookie banner, or when you wish to change a previously provided consent, you can access your preferences via the “settings” button. In the subsequent “settings” screen that is showed to you, you can indicate that you withhold consent by removing the relevant tick in the tick boxes for analytical and social media- and advertising cookies. Of course we prefer that you don’t because we feel that this will provide you with an optimal website experience and will also help to ensure that no advertisements are shown to you that are not relevant.

When you withhold your consent this does not automatically delete any cookies that are already on your device pursuant to your previous consent. You will need to delete these cookies manually. 

The actual cookies that we use are listed and described here.

Privacy Notice ir responsible for this privacy notice. 

What Information Do We Collect and Why?

  1. To handle your purchases, provide (Customer) services and fulfill other requests
  2. Orders, store purchases and accounts

Online, when you purchase an item via one of our websites, we collect your name and your company name (in case you are a small business), full postal and/or separate

billing address, e-mail address, ordered and returned items, delivery information, invoice information and other data relating to fulfilling your order. We will also collect data on the usage of your vouchers (e.g., validity and amount) or gift cards. Furthermore, we collect data you choose to provide us with additional fields, and telephone number for filling the shipping forms.

We use this data because it is necessary to conclude, execute and manage your purchase and to handle your order. Please note that in some cases requested information may be mandatory. If you do not provide us with a name and delivery address, we will not be able to deliver your items. 

In our store, depending on whether you are a consumer, we collect your name, address and other relevant personal details if this is needed to comply by local fiscal and legal requirements. We may need this information to be able to provide you with a refund. If you have opted in to receive an e-receipt, we will process your e-mail address. 

Depending on the local legal requirements, the data is stored for two to four weeks from the time of your visit. Then they will be deleted.

Customer service and other requests

We also collect data to answer your queries via email or online via online form. In such case we will only ask you to provide the data necessary to handle your request (to manage our contractual relationship with you and/or to comply with a legal obligation). For example, if you contact us regarding an item return, we may ask you for the purchase date and location, or information about your decision to return.

We may process this data either on the basis of your consent, because it is necessary to manage our contractual relationship with you in case your request is related to an order or because we have a legitimate interest in helping you and thereby improving our services.

Changed terms, conditions or notices

We are required by law to inform you about any (changes in) terms and conditions and notices that apply to the relationship that we have with you. In order to comply with these legal obligations, we may use your contact details such as your email address to inform you.


We have to process your personal data in order to process your payment if you buy something with us. Your data will be shared by the payment service provider STRIPE we partner with These payments service providers are also a data controller in relation to your data used for payment purposes. 

If you have any questions regarding the use of your personal data by the payment service providers, please contact the payment service providers directly via 

We do not collect information related to the payment instrument that you use, e.g. credit card information ourselves. This information is processed solely by our payment service provider STRIPE and by the providers of the payment instruments subject to strict information security assurances. We have this check performed to protect our legitimate business interest to prevent fraud and financial loss or comply with our legal obligations.